"The Astika describes the birth of Garuda and of the Nagas (snakes), the churning of the ocean, the incidents relating to the birth of the celestial steed Uchchaihsrava, and finally, the dynasty of Bharata, as described in the Snake-sacrifice of king Janamejaya." (Mahabharata, Book I, Section II) The above quote appears to speak of the origin of the Rama civilization (circa 15,000 BC ?) In one of his books Mr. Churchward said that a people called the Nagas fled the sinking island continent of Mu. Then it can be inferred that they sought refuge in India, eventually founding the Rama Empire in northern India. Rama was one of the last rulers of said civilization--already in decline. (It is interesting to note that the word Naga is similar in sound and meaning to "Nachash," the Hebrew word that was translated as "serpent" in the Bible (KJV). Draw what conclusion you will from that, but neither Nagas or the Nachash could be literally serpentine. Rama and his people were human. The Nachash (Satan) was an angel: that is he was like Adam, a white guy--and the former was a "shining one.")
The Mahabharata recounts a time further on from the Ramayana--the "interval" (a time being 5561 BC?) between the preceding transition (from the Treta Yuga to the Dwapara Yuga) and the following transition (from the DwaparaYuga to the Kali Yuga). This time witnessed a further decline from the Ramayana (Treta Yuga, a Silver Age), itself a decline from the days of Atlantis or Tripura (Satya Yuga, a Golden Age). (The text says that the Mahabharata war was fought in the "interval" between the Dwapara Yuga and the Kali Yuga. You be the judge of what "interval" means.)
The following quote is also from Book One, Section II of the Mahabharata, "...the wanderings of Arjuna of immeasurable prowess in search of weapons; his battle with Mahadeva in the guise of a hunter; his meeting with the lokapalas and receipt of weapons from them; his journey to the regions of Indra for arms." This suggests to me that Arjuna went north to the Himalayas and even further north--for Indra had to be a storm god that came originally from the first Aryan homeland of Hyperborea (the Arctic Region), where blizzards blew--going back to the latter days of the last Ice Age (15,000 BC?) and maybe even further back to the antecedent interglacial (127,000-110,000 BC).)
(Some dude named Mooneyham says that in Tibet and Western China were/are secret hangars housing vimana--the aircraft of the glorious days of the Rama Empire. Maybe Arjuna was searching for these also.)
The story I'm beginning to see from my research is this: the descent from the golden age to the bronze age saw the use of such destructive weapons--even atomic weapons. Witness the following description of the Mahabharata conflict: “The heavens cried out, the earth bellowed an answer, lightening flashed forth, fire flamed upwards, it rained down death. The brightness vanished, the fire was extinguished. Everyone who was struck by the lightening was turned to ashes”. Yet another description reads, “It was a ghastly sight to see. The corpses of the fallen were so mutilated they no longer looked like human beings. Never before have we seen such an awful weapon, and never before have we heard of such a weapon.”
In the wake of such horror and mass slayings Yahveh Elohim placed an Anunnaki couple, who were ruddy and called Adam and Eve, in the garden in Eden (4004 BC). "These
are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and
there was not a man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground." (Genesis 2:4-6)
(To be continued in the next post, hopefully--where I intend to address the claim that the Iliad is a swipe of Indian epics such as the Ramayana, which is not true! All these epic poems are Aryan ultimately--the overarching pageant of the Aryans/Adamites, as they moved westward.)