Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mahabharata War Took Place in 5561 BC

Dr. Glen Milne of Durham University did a computer projection of what the coastline of Northwest India was like thousands of years ago.  His computer model showed that around 7,700 years ago Dwarka was an island.  If memory serves Dwarka was inundated four times over thousands of years--and each time it was rebuilt further eastward (as the sea level continued to rise).  And if memory serves one of those floods that swept over Dwarka happened about 36 years after the Mahabharat War. 
If this war occurred in 5561 BC (the Heroic Age of Vedic India), then Dwarka sank in 5525 BC--as Mahabharat scholar Nilesh Nilkanth Oak says.  Milne's computer model shows Dwarka being submerged around 5300 BC.  That's a difference of 225 years.  Why the discrepancy?
Perhaps with computer modeling for coastline changes that occurred millennia ago, we should allow for a margin of error that encompasses a few hundred years.  Graham Hancock did comment--after watching Milne's computer modeling of the changing coastline--that within a window of 800 years (from 7,700 to 6,900 ago) the Northwest coast of India saw a major change--in terms of the encroaching seawater.  But then we should remember that it was a sudden wave action that overran Dwarka in 5525 BC; it was not gradual in this case.
And so this Aryan (more likely Proto-Aryan) civilization came to an end.  And then in 4004 BC Yahveh Elohim put Adam and Eve in the garden in Eden (to the west in Sumeria).  And another Aryan civilization would rise.  (I just recently read somewhere that the garden event may go back further than 4004 BC--that is back to around 5500 BC.  If this is the case then the forming of Adam and Eve came right on the heels of the eighteen day Mahabharat war in 5561 BC.  Hmmm.  Seems plausible.  Also I just realized that 4004 BC would not be early enough for the appearance of Adam and Eve in the garden: that is if Noah's flood did occur in 3102 BC--the commencement of the Kali Yuga.)
Quickly, I would say that Noah's flood (north of India) happened around 3102 BC, which is the date that some say the Kali Yuga that we're in began.  After the local flood the Aryans--Noah's descendants--came into Northwest India and founded a successor Aryan civilization along the Sarasvati River.  Then about 3000 BC the Sarasvati dried up to such an extent that it no longer ran to the sea.  It must be around this time that these Aryans began the migration westward--to eventually become the Akkadian/Aryans who built a city called Babel in the plain of Shinar. 
Perhaps Nimrod or Sargon the Great ruled over the Akkadians around 2800 BC.  Then Hammurabi ruled in Babylon around 2400 BC.  More to come later, God willing.

1 comment:

  1. Nilesh Oak is bull shitter. He bases his finding on archeoastronomy and no computer program can do accurate calculations that far back, the compounded error becomes too large. He talks about Arundhati - Vashistha, who are separated by a few arc minutes, and beyond 4000 BC the errors in computing is larger than a few arc minutes.
