Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sauron, the Harrapans and the Last Aryans II

In my last post I touched on a very possible meaning for Abraham's name.  I would like to discuss another very possible meaning for "Abraham."  Around 2000 BC when the Noachides took leave of Northern India (upon their obliteration of the Harrapans)--for they saw the First (Kenite) Babylonian Empire as the threat--they resolved to move westward into the heart of the territory of their archenemy to neutralize this grave threat.

Yet it appears that Nimrod (aka Gilgamesh? or Hercules? or Hammurabi) arrived first in Babylon, in advance of his fellow Aryans.  He of course, being a son of Cush who was a son of Ham, would've desired to take the throne of Babylon for himself: the reason may very well be that he had some of Cain's blood in him.  Let me explain.

  For some reason scripture mentions Naamah, a daughter of Cain  (Genesis 4:22).  We know that there is always a reason for the Bible to make mention of someone or something; just as there is a reason that scripture would remain silent concerning somebody's name or an event (by skipping over a particular event).

(This pic is courtesy of

When it comes to Naamah, it's quite possible that Noah took her to be his wife--after he had Shem, Ham, and Japheth with his first wife (who may have died).  Right after the (local) flood in the Tarim Basin, Ham lusted after his father's exotically beautiful Kenite wife.  The former, when his father became drunk, took advantage of the situation by satisfying his urge to bed Naamah.  Then he boasted to his two brothers about what he had done.  So that is what scripture means when it says that Ham "saw the nakedness of his father" (Gen. 9:22).  Thus Cush was half Kenite, and it follows that Nimrod also had Kenite blood in his veins (He was of Cain's "genea," which was translated as "generation" by the King James scholars--in an effort to obfuscate (Matthew 12:39).  (And Ham's other sons were with his own wife, who was a full-blooded Adamite (Sethite).)  We have the following from Genesis 9:

25And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
26And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.   
27God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
28And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years. 29And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years: and he died.

(Canaan, a son of Ham, would later engage in sexual perversion--like his father.)
The above could explain why "Abraham"--besides meaning to be against Brahma or all the brahmans (brahmanas) who came before--would then also mean to be against Ham.  I. e. the patriarch's name has encoded in it God's opposition to what Ham had done.  

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