Let me propound a new theory (new to me anyways) about Cain, the Harrapan civilization, and the last of the Aryans (Noah and his progeny).
We know (or should know) that Cain aka Sargon lived in the 4th millennium BC. But first let's go back to before the rise of this terrorist Sargon (Sauron). It is said that the Harrapan cities may very well go back to 5000 BC. This is plausible: accepting that the Great Rebellion (Mahabharata War) occurred in 5561 BC (This is near the height of the epoch of Arundhati--11091 BC to 4508 BC--when the star Arundhati "walked" ahead of the star Vasistha. Today the inverse is the case. (To get a better understanding of this astronomical phenomenon, go to this link: http://nileshoak.wordpress.com/2014/02/03/arundhati-vasistha-av-observation-of-mahabharata/.)), we can postulate that some 450 years elapsed before anybody could build any new cities along the Indus River.
The reason for this being the prolonged recovery time for Northern India--resulting from all the destruction (including radioactive fallout?) that is the outgrowth of such a stupendously horrific war. The people who constructed these new cities (such as Mohenjo-Daro and Harrapa) were an aboriginal people known as the Dasyus. (The later Rig Vedas describe them as having black skin and having wide, flat noses. And they are said to have been an offense to the gods of the Aryans, for the former did not honor the pantheon of the latter. I'd also like to stress that these Dasyus were not the Dravidians of Southern India.) The question then is this: how did these bushmen acquire the faculty for building cities? Perhaps they were given it by some Aryans who were the children of the survivors of said war--for whatever reason. (I've read that the Yadavas--who were of mixed race and one of whom was Krishna--were predominant in Western India. Maybe it was the Yadavas (who were living in Western India) who showed the Dasyus how to construct well-planned streets and houses.)
Next we move forward to about 3300 BC, when it is said that the early phase of Harrapan society arose. By this time Cain had established a world empire. He seemed to have had little interest in India, and so his involvement with Bharata was limited. Seeing that the land was still recovering from the devastating display of weapons from back in the eighteen days of the war in Kurukshetra. Thus Cain limited his involvement to Northwest India. The Indus script, which has to do with trade and religious observances, was developed at this time. This Indus society was not a literate (literary) one, based on the primitive nature of the language--as attested to by the basic level of the Harrapan seals found. What culture they had was (ostensibly) imposed upon them by their Kenite (Babylonian) overlords: such as the bull symbol and goddess worship--this really being the worship of Eve, the mother of Cain. The local priest-king of the Harrapans had to have been a Kenite or a Babylonian (Sumerian) representative of Sargon's throne.
(Between 5000-1900 BC some if not all of the Harrapan cities were built over, for they show levels of habitation. The lowest and therefore oldest levels have the skeletal remains of the aboriginal Dasyus or Nisadhas. The upper levels (after 1900 BC) show a mix of Aryan and aboriginal skeletons--this being evidence of the original inhabitants becoming enslaved by their Sarasvati-dwelling Aryan neighbors--the Harrapan centers becoming the abode of the Aryans, once the Sarasvati became desiccated circa 2000 BC. This was the cause for these last of the Aryans to abandon India and emigrate westward--this and most likely the radiation levels in some areas of the Indus Valley, which currently comprises Southern Pakistan. And another major reason for going west was to deal finally with the 1st Babylonian/Kenite Empire.)
The Harrapans reached their peak between 2600 to 1900 BC, some say. Lord Davenport said that Mohenjo-Daro was brought low by an atomic explosion. This view is still quite controversial, but I'm open to it. As for the date of this detonation, Davenport said that it occurred circa 2000 BC.
I'm convinced that Noah and his progeny were in Northern India at this time. Could it be that the Noachides possessed the capability for assembling atomic/neutron weapons? If so why would they have used such a weapon on the urban center of Mohenjo-Daro? Most likely the Noachides, who were dwelling along the Sarasvati, felt threatened by the Harappans. After all the Indus Valley cities were part of the Babylonian Empire of Cain (and his Kenite successors). The Noachides may have made an example of Mohenjo-Daro because the Harappans were numerically superior--and that city was a military center of the enemy. (Many of the Noachides may have been pagans by this time, for I've read a passage from the Rig Vedas in which the Aryans ascribe their victory over the Dasyus (Harrapans) to one of their gods, Indra.)
(Abram--later Abraham--was a young man at this time. His name is symbolic of the rebuke of the previous paganism of all the Aryans who ever came before: there would be a new henotheism established, or rather the long lost one--since the long distant days of Manu or Yahveh's first dealing with Adam (Genesis 1:27)--would be reestablished. The letter "a" affixed before a word means to be against or in place of whatever that word means. The brahmans of yore--going all the way back to the time of the Ramayana, at the end of the Pleistocene (and even further back in prehistoric time)--had an imperfect understanding of the most High, as witnessed also by the Mahabharata. Yahveh Elohim was going to use Abram to begin to turn things around. His name (in his later life) would be changed to "Abraham," a refutation of the Brahmans' corruption of the true religion of Brahma. Thus Abram was a minority among his own people, who had turned from the Creator. Now this is change we can believe in.)
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